Pete Cornish on
Pete Cornish has created guitar effects and amp routing
for the worlds best known performers. From effects boards to
distribution units, guitar cables to custom speaker cabinets.
Some of his clients are (Eric Clapton, David Gilmore, Tony Iommy,
Lou Reed, Brian May, Sting, Paul McCartney…..) visit his
website for more at
”Dear Alf,
What a nice surprise; our postman brought a present from Stavanger
and what
a wonderful thing it is!!!
I find your recording and everything about it to be the most
exciting thing
I have heard for a long, long time. I get sent CDs all the time
and they do
not always get a second visit to the CD player. Yours, however
is nearly
worn out from repeated playings.
All I can say is: I NEED MORE OF THIS STUFF!!
I like, at the end of the track, the cold wind blowing over
that empty beer
bottle - a perfect ending to a very wonderful experience. Magnificent
old chap.”
The Trackers, AUTOPOIETICAN, Review Spanish, 2024
The Trackers, AUTOPOIETICAN, Review English, Google Translate, 2024
Garden of Bliss - review, Nettavisen 2023 (Norwegian)
Garden of Bliss - review, Aftenbladet 2023 (Norwegian)
Garden of Bliss - review, Chain DLK 2023
Grand GTRs, Interview in German!
The Trackers,, 2022 review
The Trackers, TPA 2022 review
The Trackers, Guitar Techniques 2022 review 8/10
Athana Interview, All About Jazz, August 2022
Review The Trackers Jazzviews, June 2022
Review The Trackers CHAINDLK, May 2022
Review The Trackers Nettavisen, May 2022
Review The Trackers in London Jazz news, April 2022
The Trackers Article in Jazzwise, April 2022
The Trackers Review in Aftenbladet 25/3/22 (Norwegian Only)
Interview in Aftenbladet 02/12-21 (Norwegian Only)
Review in Aftenbladet 28/07-19 (Norwegian Only)
Review at Chain D.L.K. 09/07-19
Review in Vital Weekly - July, 2019
Interview in Aftenbladet 18/05-19 (Norwegian Only)
Interview in Rogalands Avis 26/04-19 (Norwegian Only)
Review at Chain D.L.K. 28/08-18
Review in Vital Weekly - September, 2018
Review in Blackmoon Magazine 9/8-17
Review at Chain D.L.K. 14/12-16
Review in Aftenbladet 05/11-16 (Norwegian Only)
Interview in Rogalands Avis 12/11-16 (Norwegian Only)
Aftenbladet writes about Athana and Gary Husband 19/09-16 (Norwegian Only)
Review in Noise Brigade 06/05-15
Review in Vital Weekly - April, 2015
Interview in Musikk Praksis, September
"Athana Symphonic Experience" review in Bitre Menn
Review at Chain D.L.K. 31/01-14
Review at Vital Weekly 31/01-14
Review at Black Moon 01-14
"Paviljon" review from Musikkguiden (Norwegian Only)
New Review at Chain D.L.K. 18/04-13
"Paviljon" review in Bitre Menn
Review at Black Moon 06-13
SSO Concert review in Tastavis 10/03-13 (Norwegian Only)
"Paviljon" review in Aftenbladet 05/04-13 (Norwegian Only)
New Review at Chain D.L.K. 14/04-12
Review in Aftenbladet 22/03-12 (Norwegian Only)
Review from Modisti 20/3-12
New Review at Chain D.L.K. 18/03-12
New piece in Aftenbladet, 8/3-12 (Norwegian Only)
Review from Modisti 01/2-12
New piece in Rogalands Avis, 13/12-11 (Norwegian Only)
New piece in Aftenbladet, Athana/SSO 9/3-11 (Norwegian Only)
Piece in Rogalands Avis, Athana/SSO 3/3-11 (Norwegian Only)
Review in Aftenbladet 16/12-10 (Norwegian Only)
Piece in Tasta Avisen 1/10-10 (Norwegian Only)
Review from Modisti 11/8-10
Review from Chain D.L.K. 09/8-10
Article about Athanas new vinyl from Stavanger Aftenbladet (Norwegian Only)
Article about Athanas new vinyl from Rogalands Avis (Norwegian Only)
Review from Musikkguiden (Norwegian Only)
Article about Athana Signature Overdrive pedal, 23.12.09
New Review at Jazznytt, nr. 05.2009
New Review at Zero Magazine, 10.09
New Review at Chain D.L.K. 23/7-09
Review from Aftenbladet (Norwegian Only) 08/07-09
New Review in Bergens Tidende 17/6-09
Article from Rogalands Avis (Norwegian Only) 28/05-09
Article from Aftenbladet (Norwegian Only) 28/05-09
Review from Blogg 99 (Norwegian Only) 28/05-09
Review at Connexion Bizarre - June 2008
"Athana Remixed 05-08" and "Corridor" Review at MusZerodal Online Magazine - November 2008
Scanorama Reviews (update January 2009)
Review at Chain D.L.K. 25/06-08
Review in Tokfi / Vital Weekly - June
Interview in Rogalands Avis 16/05/-08
Interview with athana in Stavanger Aftenblad 08/10-07
Review in Stavanger Aftenblad 03/10-07
Concert Review in Rogalands Avis 23/9-07
Interview with athana in Stavanger Aftenblad 27/02-07
Hot Licks of the Week, athana at
Review in Rogalands Avis 09/01-07
Review in Stavanger Aftenblad 20/12-06
Article in MusikkPraksis Descember Issue 06
Review in Iberica Elegy Mag November Issue 06
Review in Guitar Player Mag June Issue 06
(visit Guitar Player Magazine here)
Review in Vintage Guitar Mag Descember Issue 05
(visit Vintage Guitar Magazine here)
Article in Rogalands Avis 06/06-06
Concert-review in Dalane Tidene 19/01-06
Article in Rogalands Avis 15/09-05
Review in Stavanger Aftenblad 14/09-05
in Rogalands Avis 27/06-05
in Stavanger Aftenblad 20/06-05
Concert-review in Stavanger Aftenblad
Interview in musikemagasinet
Interview in Stavanger Aftenblad
pete cornish
"Well, another cracker of an album - how do you do it? The first track contains "the stuff of nightmares" and is very scary! Keep up the excellent work!
"This is the most unusual demo for this month due to the
unique blend of
styles on the track porten..."
(read more)
music tech magazine/neil worley, editor
"I must say that we really
were very impressed with your music, and we might be able to
feature your website in our News section.
I think our readers would also be interested to hear a complete
track, so I wondered if you’d like us to include one of
your tracks on our cover DVD this issue. Congratulations again
on this great release."
mute musikkmagasin/arild r.andersen
"...probably fun to record, but not
fun to listen to...believe me.
It´s ok to be clever and skillful, but this went all wrong...(4/10)
øivin fjeld/g# guitar founder, and master-builder
"This is brilliant, unbeliveable nice soundscapes,moods, nice variations,strong compositions and also beatifully played. I hear a bit Jeff Beck in there, but that´s only cool. Definitely a cd to be played loads of times in my car..where I have time to listen to music. My son, Benjamin says: ”Insanely good, and I have never heard anything like it. This is a cd EVERYBODY MUST BUY!!"
don butler/toneman us
“Great stuff on there. I love the slide
playing. I've been playing slide for 37 years!! Nice stuff.”
john stapley/guitar player us
"About the athana CD .... man, it is beyond righteous. Just GREAT! I listened to it 3 times in my car, THEN I read the review in Vintage Guitar Magazine. I concur in every detail w/ that review."
don campbell/stellartone
"I very much enjoyed your C.D. - I've now listened to it about four times while on the highway between Medford and Portland, Oregon. Very nice work, and very well produced! If you have not been looking for a theatrical agent for film production in Los Angeles, you should! Your music is ready for use in the next Quentin Tarantino film, in my opinion! "
michael a. jones/professor washington us
"I have been playing the CD and find it fabulous. I must admit it got my creative juices flowing."
"to put it straight... you`re doing what I would love to do... "
rick turner/guitar builder usa
"Your sounds are greatly appreciated."
darlene labrecque/guitar player
"I just loved your CD! I must have played it for everyone
who came to my house.
They all loved it too!"
allen law/guitar player us
I've been enjoying your CD thanks! Man! you rip on it! Sweet tones
Over the whole CD..
alf vesterelv/guitarist ”the maudlin hounds”
"Very cool cd, fat guitarsounds and interesting guitarplaying. Not what I expected from a soloalbum, I was positive surprised. Reminded me a bit of Wall of Voodoo, in a more modern way."
eivind aarset/guitarist jazzland
"Very nice cd!"
bjarte tjøstheim/P3
"Congratulations with an unbelievable beautiful, daring,
exciting and cool record!"
The more I play your cd, the more I like
it. You´re a damn good guitar player, and I really like
your sound.
crowther/crowther audio/new zealand
"You have created some interesting music and good sounds.
I can hear the P&C causing general havoc."
denis cornell/dc-developments
"I like your new tapes better."
and I just received your new CD, "Alien Elephants".
Wow! Way cool! We've got it slammin' on the CD player right
Ron is going to scan the front of the CD and we'll get and MP3
of this up on
our website."
mark zaslav/san francisco
“.... it is your playing, taste, beats and melodic sense
that make your music so special - there is always something
interesting or tasty happening or about to happen.”
"Nothing I have heard over the past several years is as
cool and interesting as yours. You need to reach a wide audience
– there must be many people like me in America and Europe."
rune nilson/musicjournalist
".. it sounds very exciting,
especially the tune Porten, which is a
delicious mix of fat beats, robotic statement and nearly a blues/rock
keeley/keeley electronics
could not ignore you or your Fantastic Music any longer! Great
disc sir! I've listened to it many times in the shop and in
the car! Built many pedals to it even!"
" ..very cool.."
ron kovar/jellifish
"This is awesome! "
hilmar jensson/jazzmusician
“.. the tunes sound very cool. Fun to hear Brooklyn Boy
Andrew rapping!!!..”
damiano verna/tempest
"I was thinking, you should make sample CDs of your
guitar work.
It's excellent."
george kilby jr.
"the CD is cool as shit. I knew there was stuff in
there I
wanted to get in and listen to"
jon tye / lo recording
"I think it is really unusal and entertaining!"
pete cornish
"I thought your creations
could not get any better but I was wrong! Your
new compositions have some of the best guitar tone that I have
heard - particularly on "Samaka"
marthe hjort/nrk p3
"...the tune “Porten” is cool "
michael hillier/staff
writer - musictech magazine
"we've really enjoyed listening to the cd here in the
office. We have decided to
feature your website on our WebWatch section in Issue 21.
ingvill bjorland/tv-vest reporter
I just dig that tune “Porten”.